Some of the very, very smart among you hopped on a rare variant we had for SUMMONERS WAR LEGACY #1 last year. For the rest of you, today is your chance to get your hands on the first issue of SUMMONERS WAR LEGACY from Justin Jordan and Luca Claretti. It’s fairly evident from the first few pages that A) this book looks awesome (special shout out to Giovanna Niro’s solid, beautiful colors) and B) it’s going to feel like one of those adventures you can really drink up. This book has magic. This book has battles. This book has magic battles. I’m not sure what else you could ask for. Oh maybe super interesting characters, lovable sidekicks, crazy spells, treasure hunting, small-town-girl-on-an-adventure-of-a-lifetime…
Let’s shout out the creative team on this comic! Justin Jordan (who we’ve worked with on REAVER and DEAD BODY ROAD—so right away you know this book is good, and this one’s for all ages!) doing the writing, newcomer Luca Claretti on art duties—bringing a super fun, ultra expressive style, colorist Giovanna Niro making this book bright, beautiful, and super legible, and last but not least, the always-great Deron Bennett who Skybound fans will know from EXCELLENCE is handling the lettering.
Fans of the Com2Us game this is based on are going to be stoked seeing some of the mechanics play out in this comic book setting. For those of you unfamiliar with the hit mobile game, you don’t need any prior knowledge to jump in, but don’t blame us if you get into the game after reading. You’ll be joining the (literally) millions of other plays who have already discovered this gem!
Check out a preview below and then head to your local comic book shop to pick up your copy!

APRIL 28 | 32 PAGES | FULL COLOR | TEEN | $3.99
Skybound dives into the wondrous world of SUMMONERS WAR, the popular mobile game where magical monsters are summoned in a never-ending battle of good vs. evil!
Rai knows there’s only one way out of her nothing town–to become a summoner! But when she’s recruited by Abuus Dein as an apprentice, she embarks on the adventure of a lifetime and thrust into a war for the fate of the world.
Journey to Alea alongside JUSTIN JORDAN (The Strange Talent of Luther Strode, REAVER) and newcomer LUCA CLARETTI for an action-packed fantasy like none other!