EXCLUSIVE BARNES & NOBLE EDITION! Found only at Barnes & Noble. This exclusive edition includes a variant cover and poster! Just in time for the new season of The Walking Dead on AMC, the fan-favorite, New York Times bestseller series returns with its third massive paperback collection! With over 1,000 pages, this volume contains the next chapter of Robert Kirkman’s Eisner Award-winning continuing story of survival horror. Rick Grimes’ dream of rebuilding civilization is tested as the people of Alexandria come into contact with other communities that have developed their own methods of survival. Collects The Walking Dead #97-144.
Here it is in all its glory:
The Barnes & Noble Variant of Compendium 3 will be out October 13th!
The standard edition of Compendium Three will be available at local comic book shops on October 7th around the world!
Let us know what you think of this variant cover in the comments below!
Why does Rick have two hands
I see that….fail
Awesome, dude !
I didn’t know Jeffrey Grimes was a TWIN! He’s got some big hands, tho!
Yeah! Wow!
ok i came to look at the cover but what about it i don’t see what this has to do with our conversation about it being lydia or not
Look closely, then read the comments here on this post & the other.
Two hands? I prefer the original…
What’s more is that the hand is completely backwards. Its basically upside down.
Honestly, its like some finally coy editor got ahold of it, saw it was missing a hand, look at their own and drew it incorrectly.
Either that, or its Ezekiel’s hand and he’s just helping Rick out 😛
I blame Sean Mackiewicz.
What? It’s true. Nothing’s gotten better since he’s joined in. Remember how there was no PREVIOUSLY in Issue #142’s introduction page? All HIM. HE DID IT. DAMN YOU, MACKIEWICZ!!!!
I don’t see a backwards or upside down hand… not his right hand anyway. They’re both positioned normally.
Its his left. Its definitely not how a hand looks gripping a shotgun. That much I know from experience.
Using the crude paintshop I have on my work computer, his hand should be more like this, though rotated a bit more clockwise. That I could not do in paint shop. Anyhow, its all jacked up. That’s all there is to it.
I think the intent was to have the fingers look like they’re splayed forward, which is how my hand is when I’m holding in a firing position. Like this guy:
Bastet…. Thanks…. I stand corrected. I guess years of holding weapons has given me a distorted perspective.
I think what might have been messing me up was the angle of his arm….
Regardless…. he has hands were he shouldn’t 🙂
I hope you don’t think I’d discount your experience. Even tho I have my own, it’s just a matter of opinion.
Wow, my post got cut off! The rest of what I said, after the winking smiley that didn’t appear, was:
Besides, there are other things wrong here but that right hand overshadows them all.
Bastet, not at all 🙂
Its a funny angle and he has two hands! It’s all good. I went home and held one of my “babies” and confirmed further you were right. Sitting at my desk it just looked funny, held an invisible shotgun myself, and my perspective was wrong. Plus, I hadn’t had coffee either.
Abraham appears for 1 issue, and he’s on the cover. Good call Barnes and Noble. I love Abraham.
I will get the original one offered through other stores…to match with Compendium 1 and 2….this artwork is all sorta wrong…..
When life gives you lemons… you make lemonade!!! Or you don’t buy the lemons in the first place…
Why is that sawed-off shotgun ejecting what looks like a 9mm round? Also, Rick regenerated his hand back….Science bitch!
Rick Grimes the Science Guy!
What issue did Rick lose his hand in? Nicely spotted Cameron, I wouldn’t have seen it.
Issue #28. He ALMOST had nothing to replace that hand for almost 100 ISSUES, but Kirkman decided to give him the CLAW (Toy Story reference) in Issue #127, ONE ISSUE before his 100 Issues Anniversary since his mutilation.
Right – not much of an excuse available then
You know, the art itself looks really cool besides that clear flaw where Rick has both hands but overall this looks like it was primarily made with existing art covers. And honestly? I think this cover just has *too* much going on. So I’ll be going with the regular Compendium 3 to match my first two.
I don’t see why I would be downvoted for stating facts and non-offensive opinions but okay you fucking wanker.
Other than Rick’s hand, did you notice Andrea is looking through the scope with the closed eye? How the hell does one do that?
DAMN! And she’s holding it on her left side! WTF?!
Andrea?! A lefty?! *girly scream* 😀
But then again, she writes with her right hand, as seen in Issue #128 when she’s asking “Magda” (Brian, I’m not letting that go 😀 ) questions on how long her group and her have survived for so long. Maybe an Ambi?!
I’ll stick with the original compendium cover.
I prefer the “standard” art of the compendiums, specially the turn-it-up-side-down-to-see-them-turn effect. However, the “non-standard” C3 cover is not bad.
I just want it for the poster
Wow. Much flaws. Does anyone check these things before they print?