THE WALKING DEAD DELUXE #1 is almost here! Our colored versions (with colorist Dave McCaig doing an amazing job) of the entire series was announced at Skybound Xpo back in July. Part of the announcement was that Julian Totino Tedesco and Arthur Adams would be contributing variants covers. We’re very excited to reveal those covers today! You might have ALSO seen the brand new Charlie Adlard 6-part connecting cover variants for the first arc floating around the Internet last week. And last, we’ll have a blank sketch variant to celebrate the release as well! Get a look at these variants below and be sure to pick up TWD DELUXE #1 October 7th!

Cover D by Julian Totino Tedesco
Charlie Adlard’s Connecting Cover C for issues # 1-6 Joined
And here are Charlie’s covers separated so you can see the detail!

THE WALKING DEAD DELUXE #1 will be available at comic book shops on Wednesday, October 7:
The Walking Dead Deluxe #1 Cover A David Finch & Dave McCaig Diamond Code AUG200027
The Walking Dead Deluxe #1 Cover B Tony Moore & Dave McCaig Diamond Code AUG200028
The Walking Dead Deluxe #1 Cover C Charlie Adlard (connecting) Diamond Code AUG200029
The Walking Dead Deluxe #1 Cover D Julian Totino Tedesco Diamond Code AUG200030
The Walking Dead Deluxe #1 Cover E Arthur Adams Diamond Code AUG200031
The Walking Dead Deluxe #1 Cover F Sketch Cover Diamond Code JUL209321
I was wondering if there was a subscription service for these comics.tge nearest comic book store is an hour away from me but I still want to be able to get and read them.