Happy Walking Dead hiatus! This is the time of the year where we start expanding our content to hold you over until the next season (or until Fear returns). So, we’re starting a series called Real Talk where we pose a question, give some facts, and open up the comments to you guys to discuss (we’ll also throw in a Robert Kirkman-signed comic for the best comment)! This week is all about the guy you love to hate (or hate to love) – Negan.
Seven-and-a-half years have passed since the end of All Out War, and it’s clear that Negan has changed. He spent all but two days of that time locked in a cell, where he had ample time to reflect on his life and all the terrible things he has done. In Season 9 he begged Maggie to kill him, got over that, became more well-read, listened in to community gossip from his window, formed a friendship with Judith, escaped and returned, and earned a skeptical amount of respect from Michonne for saving Judith. So is he done being a monster?

Angela Kang recently told Entertainment Weekly, “We’re playing this arc for Negan because so much time has passed. How can he be exactly the same person that he was at the end of All-Out War? He’s trying to become a part of this community now…For me, Negan always will have an edge. There are times where he’s suppressing the worst thoughts that he has in his head, ’cause I do think that that’s a part of him. He knows how to put on a show. He’s a showman, right? But that doesn’t mean that the person that he was for however many years before the apocalypse started just disappeared.”
She went on to say, “I think that that’s a really important thing for the audience and for us as writers to keep in mind going forward. This is a person who has a really dangerous streak and kind of an a–hole streak. He can also be really darkly funny. That’s the core of who he is, and he’s never really gonna lose that. He can’t. That’s what makes him Negan.”

SO, how are you feeling about Negan going into Season 10? Is he capable of full redemption? Can he eventually integrate into society? Or will he follow his comic story arc eventually get exiled after the Whisperer War? Let us know ALL your thoughts in the comments below – we’ll send a Robert Kirkman-signed copy to the one we like the most!
Negan is the Gossip Girl of Alexandria- he knows everybody’s business. xoxo you know you love him!
I think Negan did what he believed was necessary at the time. It makes me think of Tony Stark or Thanos. But, I believe now he sees that people can coexist. That a new society can exist without fear. And I think Judith has a lot to do with that.
I think negan has truely changed.The good he is already trying to do,shows that.I believe hes learned,lifes not about him an about others.i think he wants to be apart of something like alexandria..hes never really had people who truely cared about him.The time in the cell,has gave him time to re think life an what he wants.Before it was about survival..when he was a savior an now,he has others to think of like judith.she believes in him an he loves her so i think he has changed for the best.I believe season 10 is gonna show a whole new side of negan.I believe he will do whatever it takes to protect judith an alexandria.
can y’all rly say this after he brutally murdered glenn and abraham in the FIRST episode of s7? y’all i was sobbing for a solid 40 minutes, and y’all want negan to LIVE? glenn was literally the best character smh
I remain optimistically cautious with my new found like of Negan. I think season 10 will give us more insight into how he became the Negan we first met. I am excited to see how he becomes part of the group. He truly shows love for Judith and she shows care for him- it melts my heart.
I think Began will do what is best, but he will never be changed through and through because a person can’t change who they are only how they portray the.self and their actions. His personality will always be there even if he does integrate into the society and be a better person, he will always have a dark side. I think he will come through though and become an asset to the community. I love Negan!!?
Even with Being a book reader also I’m still wondering if we trust him or not.
Negan can be anything he wants to be. I think Judith has softened him and he has really become fond of the people in Alexandria especially Michonne and Gabriel, oh and Judith, of course. After rescuing her in the snowstorm I think the Alexandrians will be cautious but will come to trust Negan!!?❤️?❤️.
Negan can be anything he wants to be. I think Judith has softened him and he has really become fond of the people in Alexandria especially Michonne and Gabriel, oh and Judith, of course. After rescuing her in the snowstorm I think the Alexandrians will be cautious but will come to trust Negan!!?❤️?❤️????
I think we see Negan come to grips with what really matters. He’s always been a guy who looks out for his own people even if his methods weren’t the best. I look for him to adopt Judith and her group as his own and we’ll see a more compassionate person who still loves to be a prick at times. I look for him to help during the Whisper War but for his arc to differ especially if Michonne will be leaving the show in season ten. They’ll need his character and JDM amazing acting.
He was a monster but judith changed him thats it he can be trusted now after he saved judith and (the dog).
I think negan is a better person because of Judith but I also think/hoping he takes care of alpha!
I believe he has started earning his redemption with the group but Daryl is going to be hard to please. The only way Daryl could ever trust him again is if he was to save someone really close to him from Alpha … saaaay Carol!?!? After this, we’ll all be Negan! 🙂
I’d like Neegan to become more integrated into the show. With the swift passage of time in Season 9, it allows his character to evolve. I feel where you left it in S9, it opened that door. JDM is a phenomenal actor and I would love to see him get mor screen time. The relationship with Judith has a lot potential. If Maggie comes back, that could bring some interesting drama. BTW, I have enjoyed Daryl and Michonr getting more screen time. Love those two. Finally, please cut Carol’s hair. She’s the greatest bad-aaa of all time!
I think Negan changed a whole lot since the All Out War. It’s clear that he has been with our people long enough to the point where that’s where he feels most safe. However I feel like he will always remember what these people did to him and his life, and always feel some sort of upset or angry emotion because of it. I think that Negan over time has learned to trust our people because of how long he’s been with them, even forming a sort of friendship/relationship with Judith, who’s the leader’s daughter. I’d love to see more of nice-guy Negan in Season 10, and I’d love to watch the communities grow to trust him and love him almost like one of their own.
Negan was never a monster! He did horrible things but so did Rick! Negan did whatever he needed to do to protect his group!
I think Judith had brought out who he was before the apocalypse. As long as Judith is around I think he will stay this way, helpful and not evil.
i genuinely feel really confident about negan going into season 10, because ever since he’s been locked up i think he’s reflected about his life and how he can change for the better especially for judith sake since she’s lost her father and brother he wants to be more a father material for her and guide her though life. BUT i think he will be a badass to help the group and fight the whispers and actually become part of the group and others feel safe and protected around him
I think he will be a different person and will come to terms that either u stay in a group and become a better person than to be alone and killing everyone around you for fun, Negan will have hopefully learned that he doesn’t need to kill everyone and he needs to help support the group and survive!!
Negan thought Sasha had beach-ball sized lady nuts on her, then he met Judith Grimes! He’s a monster that can be redeemed because of Judith
Yes. Remember how many chances Glenn gave Nicholas? After all the horrible things he did? Glenn exuberated forgiveness and love. Negan has shown he is willing to redeem himself. That alone speaks volumes towards Negan’s redemption. He wants to be better. Glenn gave everyone a chance to be better. I think the best way for the group to honor Glenn, now, is to forgive Negan. It’s what Glenn would have wanted.
I am a forgiving soul and understand everyone makes mistakes. But there is no coming back from pumpkin smashing a friend, boyfriend, husband’s head in with a bat in front of those closest to him. You can’t. He can save the world by finding a cure for zombieitist and that still wouldn’t be enough. In all honesty, I love the Negan character. I find him amusing, while being extremely puzzling. You can’t figure him out.
I don’t think Negan will go anywhere without Judith. She has become his new Lucille, he’s already proved that he both loves her and will put himself in danger to save her (WHEN NO ONE ELSE DID,btw) He’s earned himself a place at Alexandria. Even tho he will always be the guy who popped Glen’s eye out for fun and made Daryl eat dog food, I believe that Negan will continue to stay at Alexandria and look after her.
Lord help Alpha if she messes with Judith….Negan will become the OMEGA
In my opinion, Negan has plenty of opportunities now to redeem himself. I’ve been a fan of him since he debuted in season 7. People can hate on him all they want but what The Walking Dead has done to his character development is nothing short of impressive. ??
Negan is a good example of how people can change. The Walking Dead is all about how the world functions and continues to live on after an epidemic outbreak causing pretty much the mass extinction of humanity. To actually quote Negan himself, “No one ever thinks they’re the evil one.” It’s pretty synonymous with, “the ends justify the means.” The thing that makes Negan stand apart from someone like Michonne or Rick is that Negan enjoys what he does. He takes great pride in his sadistic tendencies… or at least, he did prior to losing to Rick. To now quote Rick, “We’ve all done the worst kinds of things just to stay alive. But we can still come back. We’re not too far gone. We get to come back. I know we all can change.” This applies to Negan as well. These past couple seasons, we’ve gotten to see a softer side of Negan that shows us he is capable of changing. Given the right circumstances, I could see him reverting to his old ways, but I think Judith will be crucial in making sure that doesn’t happen. Like Rick before him, he’ll always do whatever is necessary to survive and keep those close to him safe, but holding onto the innocence and morality that Judith exhibits will keep him from going off the deep end. For the people who have to interact with Negan, I think the hard thing that they have to come to terms with is, forgive not forget. Negan is a very capable leader and a strong fighter. If nothing else, he is a resource that may prove indispensable. Our characters are going to have to learn to live with him.
So to answer the questions posed, I think he’ll play a huge role in season 10, and given that he does manage to survive through the entire season, I think he will remain a part of the main cast. Just my two cents.
It definitely will be interesting to see how Negan earns trust/respect from Darryl! Kirkman did great with Negan’s story in the comics so lets hope they don’t screw around too much like they did with Carl!!!
I think Negan can and should be redeemed, I mean saving lil A**-kicker and Daryl’s dog got to count for something right?
I think Negan will develop limited respect for a select few individuals, those he sees as strong like him (in his eyes). Kids are another story. He will defend and fight for a child to the end. If a child is in danger it’s Negan to the rescue! Most adults though, he’s like ” Meh, handle it or die”.
The thing about Negan is that he was never actually an evil person. He did some very evil things (poor Glenn) but in his own mind he was justified. If the story were from his perspective he was a hero even if his methods were brutal.
Waiting for him to die please or walk to the sunset .
Negan will be a massive part of Season 10. He used to be a villain, one that could not be tamed. He was feared, and would never be talked back to. Once a kid crossed his path, however, he didn’t want to hurt him. He’s not an animal, he just has to make his point at times. He listened, and started to feel something other than hate and anger.
When Carl died, he wanted to change. He realized what he was missing out on, just like we saw when Rick slit his throat. He was ready to be more than what he was; he wanted to live a life with living, with people that could see the right side of you even when you showed the wrong one. He was ready to die when he was sentenced to a life in prison. He had lost the one other thing that he had a connection to, his bat Lucille, which represented his lost wife. He was disconnected from any feelings other than his own tortured thoughts. He was alone.
Then, in the moment he needed it, Judith appeared. She showed him the kindness he was desperate for, and she reminded him of Carl. She knew he was dangerous, and he’ll always be, but she knew there was a good guy under the mask of bravery he put up. When she risked her life for a dog, he chased her because he couldn’t lose another person he cared for. Not again. He may still be rude at some points, but that’s who he is. Once you connect with him, just as Carl and Judith did, his true colors show.
To protect Judith and the people she cares about, Negan will step up and fight in the war that is coming. He won’t be scared, because he’ll know that he’s protecting the one that saved his sanity and gave him another chance.
I am going into season 10 with mixed emotions about Negan. He did some disgusting things in the past. Killing Glenn and Abraham was an act that made me believe he was truly evil and could never have good intentions if he would eventually integrate into society. The scenes showing Rick’s day-dreams around the time that Carl died, of Negan in the future working well with everybody made me think otherwise. Everyone looked happier than ever and the community was thriving. It was something Carl very obviously wanted. Because Carl wrote a letter to Negan before he died, we can see that at least one person has hope for a better future for him. I think it would be a really interesting take on the show to see how our favorite characters would have positive impacts coming from forgiving Negan- not necessarily for him but for themselves and their own healing from the past. It will also be a very unique storyline. Whatever happens I am excited for what season 10 will bring.
Negan is the most interesting character in the WD. He has a wicked sense of humor & it impels us to want to see more of him. Jeffrey Dean Morgan plays the character to perfection. I fully believe he can be a fundamental & reliable member of Alexandrian society. He has already proven he wants to be there by returning after he escaped. He has also showed he can care about someone else by rescuing Judith. I say let him lose & have him go take out Alpha!!!
To be honest it’s all about your perspective on redemption and forgiveness. Some see good in him and are willing to forgive in order to see him merge with the community while others will never forget or forgive. To many he’s a monster and to some he’s not. Like he said himself, “nobody ever thinks they’re the bad guy”
Oh Negan of my eye ??? He has redeemed himself over and over again in my eyes. He definitely deserves others to see him that way. He’s changed to an extent but still holds true to that cheeky Negan appeal I fell in love with. The relationship with Judith is so sincere and beautiful I cannot wait to see more of it unfold. I’m stoked for his arc in the coming season because we all know he’s got something epic going on for him!
7 years behind bars. Surrounded by brick walls and a view through a tiny window. 7 years It took Judith to tamed the beast. Negans loyalty belongs to one soul with tiny hands, a sword, gun and a hat. And a humor to match his own. Negans redemption is the love of Judith. Even the truth behind the stories he shared with her. She thought both man and beast were worth saving. Here’s to TWD’s Beauty and the beast . I’m already in love with these two. ❤️
He rather seems out of options. His group gone. His domain scrapped. It still however begs the question WHO was he before the world went to crap? Maybe he killed his family… hence the crazy love for that wire wrapped slugger GUILT ? Redemption is a process, and one would be a fool to ignore that while he seems to have compassion for judith, she is constantly saying… language, Imma kid. Given that he could have likely made it, formed a new posse, and carved another Lucille ? I think this character just might be a leader ousting even Ezekiel..Sorry E. In this, I give him the green light of trust, after all who in that group hasn’t done something unspeakable ???
In good verses evil, the evil one believes himself to be good, not evil. It’s easy to hate Negan for what he has done, but it will be just as easy to love him for killing Glen and Abraham. Negan will always be Negan, just fighting for a different side.
*That was supposed to say ” love him for killing Alpha and Beta.” Oops.
I think Judith has changed Negan, for the time being.
I think he thinks he has changed. He will be a valuable resource in the whisperers war. But at the end of the day, a leopard can’t change its spots. And maybe to his own surprise some event/opportunity will trigger him to revert to a form of his old self. Don’t think he will hurt the Alexandrians in any way but he won’t stay with them long term.
Can Negan be redeemed? Only half way.
Negan was never monster though he did horrible things. Why I’m saying this because Negan has a good heart also as we can saw talks between Negan and Carl. He did all the horrible things beacuse it was demanding in nature at that time. As of now Negan has changed . You know when the door was opened he went to sanctuary even he find new Lucile but he returns to Alexandra. He can stay that and can start saviours from a scratch but he didn’t. After Rick’s death I think Judith finds father figure in Negan and Negan also finds daughter figure . He also said to Michonne in last episode that Judith “she is very special child” . Main hand in changing the Negan’s character is not jail but Judith. I think after Rick Negan is the only one who can defeat whispers.He will become one of the leader in Alexandra or Hilltop. So , yes he will integrate into society!!
Negan said it himself the villain usually doesn’t realize they are the villain. Negan never intended to go down the road he went down and given the right group I think Negan has a good shot at continuing to redeem himself and keep his humanity he has gained in he years we didn’t get to see. I completely trust Judith’s judge of character and even before he showed up every single person in Alexandria by being the only one to go after her and Dog she showed faith in him. He came back on his own accord he could have started over again and got a whole new group of Saviors but he came back and went back to his cell. Negan will be tempted don’t get me wrong but I look forward to see where all his character goes because I think we are far from seeing his growth.
He is going into Season 10 like a little Hero. He saved a Grimes cause he like Judith very much. In his opinion he was never a monster cause he saved his people for Rick. In Negans opinion Rick was the monster. I guess that he never will be the monster everyone called him. He killed Glenn and Abtaham on a brutally way and nobody is going to forget it, but he saved the life of Judith an that is one way to get the trust of everybody. In Season10 he will not be longer the monster that everybody called him.
Okay, okay, Negan was truly never a monster. It’s only because we’re watching from a different perspective, but other than that, because it’s been said millions of times; Negan has always been human, and I say that because when it comes to villains like the governor, it became hard to tell. Once the governor lost all that he had, he went crazy and wanted to destroy what others had as well. Negan has always shown many points of weakness throughout every single moment in which he’s done something bad. I think it’s just a facade and he’s trying to act way more put together than he is, hence when he was in the cell and started crying telling them to kill him. That wasn’t just from being locked in a cell, that had to come from somewhere he was already previously storing. So, yes, I think he’s redeemed himself, I think he’s learned, and I think he’d do anything for Judith, which technically means he’d be there for Michonne because he knows how Judith feels about Michonne. I hope this good arc of his continues. I really hope he stays as an important aspect in the show. He’s not so bad.
Negan has adjusted very well to being locked up. Exactly what he needed. With that being said, I do think he would be a superb asset to everyone around him. Let Judith give him something to do and I guarantee he will do it, for her. Negan has grown to love that little girl.
Negan is easily becoming one of the best show characters to date I think he might not have the trust of the group yet but he will easily earn it now after saving Judith the man is a beast! Give him back his vampire bat!!
Negan had all indications of being a psychopath and in all honesty I don’t think he could completely change that. He always had a soft spot for Carl, possibly because he respected him as a worthy adversary, but also possibly because he would have liked to have been a little like Ca. I think he always felt a connection to Judith from the moment he met her as a little one and grew to really enjoy her as she got older. I feel like Negan may be one of the very few, if not the only person to recognize how intelligent and wise Judith is. I think he will sacrifice anything to save her which could end up being dangerous. I think Negan has softened some toward the Alexandrians but I also think he respected them all along and he may be glad he can be on the same side as them. I know that I am curious to see how it will play out in the next season.
Negan is smart. He may have evil thoughts, but he is showing his good side recently. He has changed during the time hop. He’s had a lot of time to do some soul searching and realizes he wants to be a part of this group. He can definitely be a great asset to them. His relationship with Judith shows how much heart this man really has.
I think it would be awesome if Negan would be part of season 10.. He’s had a lot of time to reflect and I think he’s genuinely feeling remorse… he could protect Judith plus Its obvious he cares for her. I also hope Rick finds his way home I’d like to see the look on his face
I am seeing some humanity in Negan. At first I thought Rick was crazy to save him but perhaps he was right. I hope so!
OMG I’m so excited to what comes of Negan! I didn’t like him at first but we saw a negan with a heart when he helped Judith and I just thinks he knows what matters now and he wants to help and wants to carry on with ricks plan! I bloody love him
I feel that Negan has changed for the better. He really cares about Judith. I think people can change and make a better future for themselves.
I think Negan isn’t beyond redemption. He had done horrible things, unforgivable things but he has shown that he is capable of good intentions too. True pyschopaths don’t show signs of repentance and he has, in his own way. I think Judith will be the one to awaken the noble side of Negan that he forgot he had. I look forward to watching that story unfold.
I think Negan will be an important part of season 10. I think he will get his redemption by saving someone or by killing Alpha or Beta.
I have loved Negan since day one, not only because he’s a badass but he is so funny too. OK so he killed Glenn and Abe but I believe he did what he felt was right to survive. Throughout his time on TWD he has been portrayed as the Villain. I don’t see him this way, he is, to use a cliche term, misunderstood, he is trying to survive and you can tell he is not a villain, especially in those scenes with Carl, he is human and he really shows that he has a life like everyone else, like when he talks to Gabriel about having a wife and the significance of Lucille. I think that started the debate on whether he was a good guy or not. During season 9 you can see the strong bond he has with Judith, this is because of Carl. They have a special bond and I think he really cares for her and this shows in the season finale when he risked his own life to go and save her from the blizzard. He even took the dog with him because its what she wanted.
He adds so much to the whole story. He’s the one, let’s say anti-hero, who did bad stuff for plausible reasons in my opinion. He wanted to build something. His execution was a little questionable, but who wouldn’t loose some sanity in the apocalypse…? His last phrase of the last episode for season 9 was nothing but true. He is screwing around with people, but he has shown some vurnability and he has taken some sort of uncle role for Judith. A child is always honest. Judith knows what’s up. But a thing I really, really do hope is, that he gets to cut Alphas head off… that’d be great… I always had sympathy for Negan, whether it be in the comics or the show, but Alpha is nothing but an annoying, scary, weird lunatic.
I realy want nick back to the serial in season 10
Negan has always been the villain you love to hate. He is so charming in his mannerisms that it was so hard to hate him at first. Kind of like a love/hate relationship.
I do believe he is a positive character now in the series, however there could be some mystery as to maybe why he is choosing the nice route? We will just have to wait and see!!
I absolutely love Negan, and no disrespect to Rick Or anything but, I really want Negan to take on the role of a father figure for Judith. Negan, is in my top 5 favourite characters, Yes I hope he feels bad for what he did to Glenn and Abraham, but he is a person as well! If you don’t like Negan, think of it this way, If season one onwards was in favour of Negan, and came from his point of view, pretty much everyone would love him and think that he is the coolest character that is in the show. Also If that was the case, then most people would see Rick as the a**hole.
SO… I am very excited to see Negan in season 10! Please don’t kill him off!!!!!!
I think that back when Negan’s savior motorcycle gang was blown to peices by the RPG it made sense why he would think to him self that killing Glenn and Abraham was fair. Because a group of the saviors died, he thought it would make sense to kill two of Ricks friends and make them give up supplies. He also was responding for many more Alexandrian deaths but while he was responsible, he did not see himself as “the bad guy”. He was just doing what he felt was right at the time. But I think now over time he regrets what he did and realized that you can talk things out instead of club someone to death with a barbed wire bat. I also think that as he was in jail and watched the communities grow, he wished he had not done some of the the things in his past. And rescuing Judith was a big step for him to show Michonne that he has changed. And maybe he could help build the communities and stop the whisperers.
Negan is a gentle giant but a real dick. I think Negan and Carol will be the ones to lead the destruction of the Whispers, sorry Darryl (you are my favorite). Carol got weak being queen and she is out for blood to avenge Henry’s death.
I think Negan has really made a big change. He’s been locked away for a really long time, especially given the time skip. He’s been talking with Judith and he seems genuinely social and helpful. In the past he’s seemed like he messed with people to be malicious, but that had turned into what appears to be harmless joking. Given how he became attached to Carl, and how Judith, I think Negan might genuinely want a kid! Helping people and nurturing things in his own way looks like it’s a genuine source of happiness for him. Though this could just be due to an obsession with Rick and still wanting to best him, but I really hope not because I really like Negan as a character and always have.
I like the new Negan. (“New-gan “). Judith has his heart, just like Carl did. In another circumstance or story , he could have been the hero. And his line to Gabriel “Father not-the-father” was everything.
Just as all the other characters have evolved…so has Neagan. I would not be able to forgive him if I were Maggie or Rosita. But from Michones point of view, he has put himself in s place to be valuable to the group.
I think Negan has that soft spot for Judith just like he did for Carl. Negan can be cocky but deep down he has a heart. He’s been locked away for quite sometime so he has probably reflected on his past actions and is starting to realize how correct Rick was.
Im here for the comic! I think now that michonne is leaving the comic is the only story in interested in!
I now think that Negan has definitely redeemed himself after risking his life to save Judith (and Dog) in the snow. Maybe this could lead up to him fighting alongside Michonne and Alexandria against the Whisperers and he might recreate the moment in the comics when he holds Alpha’ s head.
Everyone deserves a second chance, are not as bad as him if we don’t give him redemption? I always knew there was some good in him what would you all be saying if he let Judith die in the snow storm? There is good in all of us it’s the TWD family way.
I want to marry Negan
I think Alpha is going to go after Judith and Negan is going to kill her with a new Lucielle.
I think Negan is the same person as all of us. We all have a light and a dark side. After the apocalypse, Negan hid his good side, he thought it was right, and we cannot blame him for his choice. And now, after all experienced, he wants to change for the better. We just have to give him that chance! (Sorry for my English. I’m Ukrainian)
I believe his feelings have changed alot because of judith, she the reason. If negan had no feelings he would of never went into that storm to get her. It wouldn’t surprise me if michonne and negam get together. I know he wants to be a boss again. Still love his crazy ass !!!!!
I think that he has changed and the person responsible for that is Judith
Remember the part he is sitting in the little house and he is joking about Rosita’s pregnancy? I found that a good representation of who Negan is. He sees an opening and takes advantage of it. Joking about an uncomfortable situation for no apparent reason, changing the mood in the room. Eugene got a laugh out of it, but the rest couldn’t enjoy his ‘jokes’. Seeing him do this so impulsively made me remember who he is. His time in the cel (and the couple days he tries surviving in the wilderness) made him realize he doesn’t have a choice; these are the people he will have to live with. Saving Judith might’ve been a noble thing to do, but he knew her. Knowing Negan he wouldn’t have given a single **** if it was anyone else. He’s probably very happy with the fact that she’s Michonne’s daughter, and if she weren’t, i think he might’ve acted otherwise. Negan is a very intelligent man, and he knows he has no choice. If he had the chance, i think he would be much more selfish than he seems to be after he ‘changed’. He is and will always be a manipulator.
I liked how we were able to see the true human side Negan has. I feel like because of the way his character is seen, that’s something that did not come about prior to this season. Negan gave a comedic side to the story as well where as other characters turned more serious. He’s a fun character and I can’t wait to see what unravels with him next season!
I don’t think Negan is the same person. I’m still somewhat skeptical of him though. I do know that he has a soft spot for Judith as he did for Carl. So I think he was willing to do whatever he had to do for Judith, but I would still be afraid to just let him run around. The trust is definitely not there, that’s for sure.
Negan is an anti hero. He never did anything to just be evil, he made people fear and respect him in order to keep a large community in order.
Glenn and Abraham l. That is all I see.
We’re kind of forgetting that it’s not only negan who’s taken lives. Rick, Michonne, Carol, Daryl, they’ve all killed just as many people, if they have the audacity to call Negan a monster, then aren’t they just the same? We nor the characters should hold things against him, they killed his people, he killed theirs, an eye for an eye. It is an apocalypse after all, Negan (just like everyone else) woke up one day to a broken world, and lost people like everyone else. That can traumatize and mentally destroy people, theres no telling how they may react to something like that. He’s probably scared out of his mind like anyone would be. Just as Negan himself said, “no one ever thinks themselves the evil ones,” and that’s even more validating to my previous point, not only Negan has killed, he’s only trying to survive despite deciding to kill those with big roles. If you put it into retrospect, Michonne can be an “evil” one too. Now, his growth in Alexandria is what I’ve been most excited for in the show. I can remember watching the scene in which Rick cuts Negan open and deciding right in that moment that I wanted more than anything to see him come back as a better person. I’m sure there are many contributing factors to why he’s gone a bit soft, a large one obviously being locked up for so many years, he doesn’t have to assert much dominance considering he doesn’t have to deal with what’s outside Alexandria’s walls anymore. Of course, he’s forming more bonds especially with Judith. The bond between them is definitely extraordinary, in a way he’s like, the “father … not the father” figure in her life. Negan for sure has changed in many ways, the people he’s surrounded with are no longer strangers competing over everything in sight, he doesn’t have to be afraid of them anymore. Yet, the badass side of him will never fade because that’s who he is and what makes him a good leader, and that’s part of why he’s still living. Carol can walk away from the opportunity of killing Lydia holding her hand after all the loss Lydia has given her, I truly hope that the communities can do the same with Negan. If it’s not obvious, Negan is my favorite character.
Negan is for me one of the most interesting characters in terms of consciousness and spirit, over the seasons, we see him changing his behavior, he behaves differently especially during the season 9 episode 16 where we see him take risks for Judith, but for me this change is overdue and it would not surprise me that there is a reversal of the situation. I think that Judith had an important role in Negan change but also that he stayed in Alexandria prison allowed him to think about his actions, but I think that despite being very close to Judith, it is possible that he turns against Michonne or Daryl in season 10 to take revenge for the loss of lucille and the sanctuary, maybe there will be a turnaround, I don’t know, but i’m so excited to see what this interesting character will become over the episodes !!
Negan has had a lot of time to sit and think. Locking someone up only keeps them from physically harming others. However, mental games can be just as effective . He is very good at them. I’m not sure if he has an agenda but he definitely has a soft spot for intelligent, gutsy kids!
I love Judith and Negans relationship. It’s nice to see his character portrayed in a different light
I think that this thing with Judith is just bringing out the heart that was always there. Her unconditional love for him it’s just revealing even to him a part of his heart that he might have forgotten was there.
At first I was very torn with Megan and not knowing where the place him in the community. I felt at the end of the season where Rick could have killed him part of me wanted him to die. But, after seeing this different side of him it shows me that everyone can change if they really want to. I think being isolated from a lot of people and being in that cell as long as he was it gave him a lot of time to think. I think going into season 10 he will be a very vital part that may even help bridge the communities together once more. I also feel for Alpha and don’t know where she plays a role in all this but I have a feeling if Negan can change she can to. It’s a very deep statement and profound saying that just because you have a crazy past, it doesn’t mean that has to be your present and future! We all can change if we want to.
When we first me Negan he definitely deserved to get fed to the dead but over time people do change (even when your locked up for 7 and a half years) and Negan did change. When I saw him running off to save Judith I knew that he had always loved the grimes kids that they meant something to him and he has a soft spot and he’s not just steel. So I really hope that we do see Negan not Locked up and walking around Alexandra because that’s his home that’s where he belongs.
He will always be throne of the head basher with adrenaline pumping through him, thirsty for more skulls to crack open.
Okay, so this is wild but here it goes. I LOVE NEGAN! He’s done some terrible things, but so has every other character. But I think something will end up going on between him and Michonne and then he starts being Judith and RJ’s “father”… but then Rick comes back. It’ll be a Shane, Rick, Lori love triangle part 2!
I think Negan has changed. I believe he was starting to change before Rick left the show. It’s very obvious that he has feelings for kids and I do believe Judith is going to have a impact on him. Of course it doesn’t mean that everyone has to forgive him and forget what he did but just accept the fact that he has changed. Part of me believes he would make a good leader when the time is right for people to start trusting him again. Just my opinion, sorry for the ones who disagree
Eu gosto da idéia de ter ele na 10° temporada, porém o papel dele precisa melhorar, colocar mais ação e emoção no personagem. Não no papel de antes, massacrando todo mundo, mas também que não fique como uma “barata morta” como na ultima temporada. Ainda tenho raiva dele pelo Glenn. :'(
I think will still locked up in his room but he will redeem himself by doing something that wins the group the battle against the whisperers
I hope that he can integrate into the community, but he’s been locked up a long time without being able to work through his increadibly dark issues, just suppresing them. Will he snap at the first sign of pressure?… With that being said, I think Judith is his moral compass, even though she doesn’t know that. Which is better that she doesn’t. If anyone can keep him grounded it would be their relationship. I hope you guys keep him around, he definitely stirs things up. It would be interesting to see him as the number 2 guy.
I think it’s very apparent he’s changed… the little ass kicker did a number on him- but I think he realizes, This could be his people now- everyone is changing and growing. It’s hard for me to say this because of what he’s done, but I pretty much love him now. People change, even Negan can ❤️
I think Negan has changed all because of Judith. 6 years in a cell by himself taught a great lesson and going back to the sanctuary to find nothing at all is a deep change for him too, it’s like he lost his children. I think Negan will have a lot of influence on the three communities and he will help with the whisperers war. He knows defense just like Rick. I think he should remain one of the main characters. Atleast to see him become a father will be a game changer. Can’t wait to see what will happen next ☺️
Everyone hated him but I could never. He had to live somehow. But I love that he is more of a loving human towards Judith. I love their cute moments and that he falls her Jude. Love love love love love
Personaly when I first was introduced to him in the show (I’m a little behind because I watch it on Netflix ) I hated him with my guts I would be screaming at the TV screen cursing at it like “kill him already god damnit” and etc but when rick didn’t kill him I was pissed he killed glen who’s wife was prgenet and abraham and so many people I was furious ! But I think people can change I want to see him do good and make up for his actions (tho i will never like him as much as certain other characters because of his past) I hope to see him do good I don’t want him dead at this point unless he goes back to his old ways like you said. Can’t wait tell I see what happens next !
Negan needs them and they will truly need Negan, he and Daryl will be the only ones capable of defeating the whispers. they will not make it without Negan… they will need his darkness’s and cold mind to defeat them… I believe he will take a very important role leading next season…
I really think negan ian the most reedeamabaul character in the whole intime franchise. He had a special connection with Carl and Rick. Sometimes i really think that Negan might like that he is in that cell because he might think lucille would be so disappointed in what he had become so i think he might want to become good again. He is having a very GEAT relationship with judith and it’s very loving to see. Angela Kang is you read this please kill of ma main man Daryl and his sidekicks negan, Thanks!
Negan have to stay honestly he’s the best “Good Villain” the show has ever had . I thought the whispers would top him but NO ,they have to bring it next season to out do Negan . I realllllllllllyyyyyy miss Rick seems like the show lacking big time without him ,i find myself going back seasons trying to feel the love i have for the walking dead its still there just missing something major for the upcoming seasons! So im expecting Negan to be better than before i LOVE him !
I have a love hate relationship with Negan, he killed my favorite character of all time who is the beautiful Glenn Rhee but he also saved Judith and I think Judith saved him as well as because of Judith he may have actually changed into angood person who has finally realized what he has done but, what he did to Glenn and Abe will never be forgiven of forgotten.
I think Negan was trying to be his version of a hero at the beginning and when he finally saw the error of his ways and realized what he was doing he changed who he was.
I think Negan is truly changed. His love for Judith, which began with his love for Carl, I think showed him there is more live for than control and power. His last statement also shows he thought he was doing what was necessary back in the day. “No one ever thinks that they’re the evil one.”
y’all should make a really dramatic scene where rick comes back and murders negan. us fans will effin lose it, know what i’m sayin?
I’m excited i am still waiting to see his backstory in the show. Negan is one one of my favorite characters. Do i think he is still a monster? No. Do i think he ever was? No. He was a man doing what he thought he had to do to keep his people alive. Just as everyone else has. That man has been through a lot just as everyone else has, but that does not mean he is an awful person
Not full redemption. He just has a soft spot for Judith. Even monsters can have a weak spot.
The question is flawed. Redemption to the audience and redemption within the crazy world of the apocalypse where survival takes extraordinary effort are 2 different things. So, I think yes, within the realm of their world, he can be redeemed. He has alreaady progressed onto that path. Whether he stays on it and grows into a truly good person yet retains his ability to survive is something we will have to see in season 10 n
Honestly I would like to see Negan be apart of the community and help take out the Whispers. Right now they are a big threat to everyone. I don’t think Negan is a monster I think he has changed for the better. Especially for Judith, without her I don’t think he would of changed.
I love Negan now! They need him to help with the Whisperers! And he is so good with Judith!
I have enjoyed Negan since day one. He has a powerful presence. I do think he wants to join the group and gain trust but there is always something calculating inside his head. I love how much he does genuinely care for Judith and I think that has brought him some sort of peace and calm. It should be interesting to see if he can join the communities or if he will try to take over in his own showy way lol.
Neagan is on his way for sure… I think there is such a fine line where good and evil start and stop. Michonne had to kill a bunch of kids. And depending on the angle the story is told, either side could be the bad guys. They were all doing what they had justified in their own minds as what it takes to survive. Bottom line… it isn’t as simple as good and bad. Much too messy for that… can he contribute? Yes. Can you ever fully trust him? Meh. Probably not. But I definitely don’t think he will mess w anyone close to Judith, for sure.
I think the Negan need TWD in season 10. I believe that Negan is one of the way to win versus “shhhhh…” He is not monster now, he is love Judith and will do all that she told him, because Negan want to carry her)
I actually loved that, i liked that he escaped and returned and i wasn’t disappointed .
Also his friendship with jJudith is the cuuutesssst i adore how she saw good in him and how he in the end went after her to save her without questioning anything.
Now here’s a thought Neegan+Carol (and Maggie when she gets her shit together) come on guys can you imagine the total chaos they could cause those annoying ? (I refuse to type their name, at this present time in my life, I can only dignify them with an emoji) and the walking “social services investigation” A.K.A Alpha?. Neegan is still Neegan (bad ass “I’m gonna f**k you up and not even blink” badass) but now “cares” about his “family”, Probably for the first time since he lost his(?=?). Plus he loves that little girl like his own ?? me thinks he will do what needs to be done to protect her, as Carol would (with the added fact they just put her sons head on a stick!) Watch it bitch crazy & crazy is coming ?+?=??…… this is the best scenario, pleeeease let this happen!…. (F.Y.I. I only caught up yesterday so am still feeling very emotional…. omg I have become one of this tv fans that cant separate reality from “entertainment/fiction” ?? I need therapy) #Neegan+Carol=?????♂️?♀️☠️ Would you like a little salt ? on your ? sir …. ??♀️??♂️??♀️
We can’t ever forget that the life before the apocalypse, is completely different from the life after. Some grow to be leaders while others tend to hide behind others. It definitely changes a person. I’ve realized that after every season, each character has come a long way, and each character went through it differently. It’s amazing to see that despite whatever happens around the characters, they always find their way back to each other. Which is why I think Negan will start becoming the man he was before, but better. Negan did what he had to do in his eyes, he did it because in the moment, he was in front of the Saviors and he had to make sure that he presented himself as a strong leader. Now when Rick and Negan met, two strong leaders don’t mix well, the thing is, they both had the same intentions to any of the decisions they made. Negan does everything the way he does, because he is straightforward and really because he cares. Rick killed many of Negans people, Negan only killed two. After 7 years, Negan wants to see the world become something bigger and better, so in a way for him to see it and be apart of it all, he will want to do anything to gain people’s trust. I say that, everything Negan does or feels is coming from the real Negan, he just wants to live again. In season 10 I hope to see Negan grow more as a person, and try to build upon the community.
I am going into season 10 with mixed emotions about Negan. He did some disgusting things in the past. Killing Glenn and Abraham was an act that made me believe he was truly evil and could never have good intentions if he would eventually integrate into society. The scenes showing Rick’s day-dreams around the time that Carl died, of Negan in the future working well with everybody made me think otherwise. Everyone looked happier than ever and the community was thriving. It was something Carl very obviously wanted. Because Carl wrote a letter to Negan before he died, we can see that at least one person has hope for a better future for him. I think it would be a really interesting take on the show to see how our favorite characters would have positive impacts coming from forgiving Negan- not necessarily for him but for themselves and their own healing from the past. It will also be a very unique storyline. Whatever happens I am excited for what season 10 will bring.
The Rick Grimes in me thinks he’s turned a corner and is a changed man. The Negan in me thinks he’s playing the rest of the guys at a great game and is biding his time until he can be re-united with Lucille and reek havoc again. I hope he’s turned a corner though. With Rick being AWOL it’s time for a new hero to step up to the plate! #BatterUp
I’ve loved Negan since his arrival. He’s always had this charm to him and you could see the good in him. Especially when he had dinner with the Grimes children, you could see he had good in him when he held little Judith. Seeing Negan become the character he is almost 3 seasons later has been amazing. He went from a sadistic bastard to someone who would save a child without thinking. Negan has some great potential and I believe he will be a huge help when it comes to the saviours
I mean the whisperes
Does Negan have a personality disorder? Probably. But rather than being a hindrance, he’s found a way to channel that “mental defect” into being a less destructive aspect of himself. His ego & sense of self importance are hugely distorted. However, unlike some leaders today, he does not distort reality with confabulation. He is a straight shooter: tells it like it is, straight with an occasional vindictive chaser. Negan knows leadership backwards & forward, understands the importance of rewarding loyalty and genuinely appreciates those who are useful to him. He’s a modern day Machiavelli or Sun Tzu. Just sleep with one eye open.
I find Negan very entertaining, but nice? What about his so called “Wives.” I can justify some of the violence, but saving a child and a dog does not erase years of raping women under threat of hurting their loved ones. Why dont we ask Dwight´, his wife and his sister in law what they think.
Negan bashed heads until they were pulp and because those heads were from MY people he is a monster.
Carol is a hero who burned people alive because they stole her ring and I cheered because they were NOT my people.
The apocalypse … new rules, new perspectives. I’m glad I’m just watching it instead of actually living it!
Negan needs to acknowledge his toxic masculinity before he can redeem himself 😛
He was a tyrant and a rapist, so in real life he would not deserve forgiveness. As a television/comic book character, he’s rather enjoyable so I’m happy to see him “redeem himself” and stick around for the entertainment value it provides. I do understand that he did what it took to keep his people safe, but he exploited numerous others for labor and sexual favors. I do wish the show would address these deeper issues rather than act like all he did wrong was execute Abe and Glenn, because then that makes it look like Rick is to blame for the attack on the outpost (admittedly a stupid move). People don’t seem to remember WHY Hilltop paid Rick and co. to take out the Saviors to begin with: they were murderous tyrants. Rick definitely fucked up as a leader, but that doesn’t take the blame away from Negan.