AMC’s Blog recently asked Lauren Cohan (Maggie) a few questions, including what it was like to say goodbye to Hershel and Beth, and Maggie’s new utilitarianism. Read on:
Q: You’ve totally abandoned the farm girl look! How do you feel about that?
A: She’s becoming more utilitarian. When you’re out on the road, you can’t wear farm girl blouses and it’s hard to keep your whites white. [Laughs] It’s been a good evolution in that she’s become more action-centered. It’s fun to show the development of her character through all of these things, both overt and the subconscious. It’s about creating a consistent feeling which works in conjunction with set designers, colors, etc. The sweat and dirt are all characters of the show to help communicate that. Being dirty and sweaty is completely essential for the role.
Q: After spending several years on this show, how much has Maggie become a part of you?
A: It becomes hard to look at Maggie objectively. I think I bring pieces of myself to the character, but I’m definitely different. My life’s completely different, but at the core, what we want as human beings and what we’re striving for isn’t that different from what all of us as human beings strive for. I try to bring my own life experiences to her. This show makes me ask questions about life. It’s a role that I play, but it affects me in both directions.
Q: What was the hardest thing about shooting the Season 5 Mid-Season Finale where Beth dies?
A: As a group and definitely for Maggie, it’s the powerlessness – finding out she’s alive and then getting there too late. It’s the sheer tragedy of being moments too late and seeing Daryl bringing Beth outside like a helpless, little broken doll. Beth’s character is so pure and for it to happen to her – it completely crushes your hopes in that world.
Q: You’ve mentioned really appreciating your father-daughter relationship with Scott Wilson on-screen. Was it hard to say goodbye to Hershel?
A: Definitely. Beth and Hershel are these pillars of light that are ripped from the group’s lives and you don’t understand why. It’s really hard to process the loss of these characters and we all get so close in these extreme situations together. As actors, we go through these big journeys and we are a family, no matter what, even when people leave the show.
Read the rest of the Q&A here!
Oh man, some of that was tough to read. Do you think Robert Kirkman/Scott Gimple/The Powers That Be would be cruel enough to kill Glenn on the show after Maggie’s been through so much?
You like interviews, you say? Meet Aaron in this interview with Ross Marquand.
#TWDFamily. It would likely be a different fan experience for all of us if they didn’t love each other so much.
Sure they can kill off Glen, even though I wouldn’t like it. If a character like Negan pops up anything is possible.
Love Maggie.
The Walking Dead Family: