Announced today is the news that actor Ross Marquand (“The Impression Guys“, Phineas and Ferb, Mad Men) will be joining our gang for the second half of Season 5. Our lips are sealed on who he’s playing but feel free to speculate below (and if you drop set photos or spoiler knowledge, we’ll be dropping the ban hammer).
Fun fact, Ross absolutely kills at celebrity impressions. His Brad Pitt is awesome. Check out a bunch of them in this video or this video.
Welcome, Ross!
Kinda reminds me of Eric for some reason. So my guess is Eric.
Who? LOL
Funny how all the news sites put Mad Men into the description to make it look like he’s a good actor. He played a cameo on one episode.
The show’s done a great job employing some of The Wire alums (best show ever!) but a lot of these other roles are being filled by WTF actors.
Yaaay phineas and ferb! also six degrees of walking dead, ferb, voiced by thomas brodie-sangster, has a crush on vanessa voiced by olivia olson and in love actually, sam (played by thomas sangster) learns to play the drums so that he can impress joanna (played by olivia olson)
Im having a hard time guessing who hes gonna play though, kinda looks like matt lillard and andrew lincoln had a baby
With the right make-up I can see Dwight. He has that stern face. Plus I think they’d have Dwight make a few appearances leading up to Negan. If he is Dwight, he will probably show up in the finale.
My guess, Aaron the ASZ recruiter.
My bets are on him playing Aaron.
How about Jesus?
Might be a tad soon to introduce him, but then we get closer to Negan coming to life on the big screen!
If that’s Jesus, that would be some extreme shock value right there, lol!! Let ’em take their sweet time getting to Negan! He’s worth it!!
I just then watched some of his impressions. They are the best I’ve seen! They have to try and get him to do at least one while he’s one the show.
I just watched…. AWE SOME!!
Never seen him before, interested to see if he makes a good Aaron…sense that is obviously who he is playing. Now…I’m waiting for Neil Patrick Harris to be cast as Eric. 🙂
Aaron, maybe Eric.
Possibly even Spencer.
Hmmm….Looks like Aaron to me seeing as how they seem to be approaching that point, but I’ve been wrong before!
I know that its probably Aaron but don’t forget we are going to have to meet Spencer soon. (Please let the show have a Spencer!)
IMDB doesn’t name his character, but it DOES say he’s only in 4 episodes (It says that at the moment, anyway)