Here are some excerpts from a recent article from AMC, where fans submitted their questions to Scott Gimple! We picked our favorites and pasted them below:
Q: Is there a certain character you see yourself in the show? — EMR
A: That’s too hard a question to answer. Because I have to write all of them, I have to see myself in all of them, and get into their heads. I’m very lucky to have a cool wife like Glenn.
Q: Do a lot of celebrities want to be zombies on the series? – Sharring09
A: There are requests, but generally it doesn’t happen too much. It’s a very difficult job and it takes a certain amount of training and endurance. Put it this way: If there were celebrities that did sneak onto the show somehow, we wouldn’t tell you.
Q: Why do you think the show has become the mega-hit that it is? – Ali6905
A: I would say there’s nothing else like it on TV. The comic book is incredibly popular too, and I think there is something about the situation. If you have characters that you love, I think that hopefully is part of it — people really like the characters. They see themselves in one of the characters or all of the characters and they get to ask themselves what they would do in similar situations. There are a lot of very difficult things to think about – even when you turn off the TV, a lot of times.
When will the fear effect for the zombies come back? There is so much threat of humans that the crew are becoming pros at killing zombies. Will the zombies ever evolve slightly?
in comparing to the comics, this season should bring it back once the group gets on the road heading for WA
I really love the walking dead man it’s one of my favorite TV shows and that I just can’t wait for the next season to come on October and I will be on the edge of my seat while watching the walking dead and I just hope that Rick gets his daughter back and that Daryl will find Beth a live and no dead and that they make it to were they are going to and end the zombies
yes some celeb cameos would be cool .
Ok, so picking up on one of the questions asked to Scott, which character do you see yourself in the most? not necessary which you like the most but are you most like, or would likely become when it came to the apocalypse?
Although I could easily imagine myself like Michonne in the show or Andrea in the comic, I’d have to go with Sasha as being a good representation of myself. She seems a little tired, pessimistic, and wary of other people. I’d probably scout for a bottle like Beth, and move towards a place where someone might have answers/solutions like Abraham, but all the while feeling like I’m walking in circles. Great question…how ’bout you?
While i would love to think that i would be the take charge and take control type like a Rick or a Daryl, if I’m Honest i would probably be a cross between Glenn and Dale, i would always want to be the voice of reason trying to hold on to humanity for as long as i could, and the way that glen is so passionate for Maggie, they way that nothing will stop him from finding her again, that would be me, i would never give up one the people i love.
🙂 bless ya lol
Weren’t no sneeze! Lol!
Glenn. I would be always be down to go on runs for the group and do what it takes to keep people fed . you ?
I will continue to post this idea on various threads because it is a good idea: How cool would it be to see a Daryl and Merl flashback where it turns out the real Les Stroud gave them some survival tips while their dad was drunk or whatever?