Actors Alanna Masterson (Tara), Christian Serratos (Rosita) and new arrival Andrew J. West (Gareth) have all been promoted to series regulars for Season 5, which will be coming back this October!
What do you think Gareth’s being upped to a series regular entails for the series? Will he be the new Big Bad going into Season 5, filling the void the Governor left? And what about Rosita and Tara being promoted, but not Abraham or Eugene?
I’m a little worried that Eugene and Abraham were not promoted. I’m a little surprised that Tara has been promoted. And with Gareth being promoted, that means he is going to be the big bad wolf for a while which should be entertaining.
Series regular doesn’t gaurantee someone will be around the whole season. This is the same with more shows but TWD has shown that before. Are we sure that Michael Cudlitz and Josh McDermitt weren’t already series regulars? Remember, there was a lot of confusion with Melissa McBride when she was infact a regular. Since these two characters are more prominent it wouldn’t suprise me that they are already regulars for next season or were perhaps even cast as series regulars this last season. I’m sure they’ll come out and clarify it in due time.
Abraham and Eugene were already signed on as series regulars for season 4.
Not true.
I beg to differ. Check out the 3rd paragraph.
If they were regulars they would’ve been credited even for episodes they didn’t appear in much like Emily Kinney and Chad Coleman did for example. Cudlitz and McDermitt were only credited for the ones they appeared in.
of course, they have to drag out the cannibals story arch no way they are going to just rush through it.
My thoughts exactly.
We’re obviously going to be seeing alot more of these guys. Now Andrew (Gareth) I think will become an antagonist but I don’t think he’ll be the main one. I can see him being the second in charge, henchman, to the main villain of Season 5. I obviously don’t know who that is yet, hmmmm …….NEGAN ?
Rosita yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How you doin?
Voted up because you made me laugh…not because I share your enthusiasm, lol!
Not too shabby
What a second I thought you liked Maggie lol jk
Oh but I do I am so torn now
I think she is a interesting addition to the show it going to be nice when she gets a little character development next season.
I hope she gets alot of screen time.
I changed chicks Beth is no longer my number one Carol is .
Is it because you think beth is a meatloaf?
She can’t hold her liquor.
She might be better at it now
I think Beth will be back for at least one more season .
Or maybe half
If you have Netflix the move No Holds Barred is on there you know the movie with Hulk Hogan and Zeus it cracks me up .
Hmmm… I kind of guessed that the Terminus storyline would wrap up after an episode or two and they would be back out on the road. This news seems to suggest otherwise. I love “The Hunters” arc as much as anyone but can’t see a whole season of it. I’m kind of wanting them to get to the AS-Z just because I don’t want them to rush into the Negan storyline. There’s a lot of good stuff with the Gregory power struggle and “No Way Out” that could fill up a whole season.
Its late and I’m tired. To clarify my comment about rushing… I’m afraid they’ll spend all season on Terminus (Hunters) and then slip into the Negan story without those good ASZ stories in between.
I can’t see them skipping Alexandria.
My guess is that we will see a conclusion of this arc on the mid-season finale. That would be great in my opinion.
I would be more interested to find out what Emily Kinney’s (Beth) status will be for seasons 5?
not in a weird way, just as it might be quite telling about what is planned for her character in season 5 (just thought I would clarify )
Lol yeah we believe you . She will be back around singing in Gabriel’s choir .
Poor Beth, think i would rather be at terminus, JK 🙂
just to get this clear for all our friends out their in TWD land…Negan will not be showing up any time soon. Lets look at this from a serious point of view. They are currently on All Out War. Negans story arch is just finishing up. That even said we don’t know if Robert will even kill off Negan. The comic is going on 10 years and the show is already close to but not half way though it going on 5 years. What most people fail to realize is that the producers have a gold mine in this show. Why in the HELL whould they skip all this story just to get to the current antagonist. I keep reading on hear Negan its Negan we haven’t even gotten on the road yet. Peoples problem is they fail to enjoy the ride for what it is and bitch about how they get their. Then when its all over they say.. “man I wish”
We have a long road ahead of us with lots of filler episodes. And a whole half season at Terminus. With any luck they will even push it into the second half just like they did with the prison and the Gov. The group needs to find a way out. We need to find Beth, Ty needs to be killed off, same with Tara. They need to leave a get back to the farm, go on supply runs Rick and Abraham need to have their talk after Maggie tries to kill herself. The return of Morgan, well you see where im going their is sooooo much to do still. Stop worrying about Negan.
you are correct I like your post and agree .. enjoy the ride !
The fuck?!?! He had me up until kill Ty and Tara…..fuck that shit! Ty is a beast and Tara is good eye candy, not to mention a badass in her own right. What is this Negan talk anyways??? Anyone who knows anything about TWD knows Negan ain’t coming for a while on the show and he might even be remixed because of his fuckity fuck talk even if we love him the way he is! Raymond you should get lucilled for the blasphemy!
Damnit dude you are right I actually didn’t read that whole post I agree I want to see Tyreese around for a long while and Tara . I usually would be pissed off someone started off a post to me with a the fuck but in this case you are correct I have a short attention span and usually only read someone’s first few sentences unless it is aimed at me .
I think you guys are over reacting a little. Everyone is going to die. Don’t forget someone has to “get bitten” in this next season. who do you think they will have doing the death walk in the woods. It was DALE who ended up being captured by the Termites it HAS to be TY or Tara. They kept hershal alive for so long and they gave us a great death. But that in turn took Ty off deaths door for a while as well. I truly TRULY believe they will use him. Sorry but its how it is. With a snap of their fingers any one can go. Again they have to stretch out the story but were loosing people weather you like it or not. Of course we wont know till next season, but ill remember this covo for the next. Ive been right before on everything else. That whole season finale was by far my best call. Im not saying I KNOW EVERYTING but i do know Death Role, Blocking, and Signs Of Performance. This show is big on Performance Signs and if you cant pick them up then i don’t know…..your loss?
Hello there kind citizen . My disagreement with first your post is that you said Ty and Tara need to die . I don’t agree they need to die . I had the same prediction as you that Tyreese may be the one to take a walk in the woods as tainted meat but it doesn’t necessarily need to happen to make the story work. Plenty of characters deaths are bound to happen and not happen like the season finale.
they don’t NEED to die, but neither did T-Dog, I think you guys misinterpreted me. They have yet to be killed off. So when I said they still need to die thats what I ment. I dont want anything from the show but awesomeness.
I see .. You made a lot of good points in your posts have a good one man . I look forward to your predictions season 5 .
I guess I need to read a whole post before I cosign but he said enjoy the ride and I felt like I got what I needed from the post . I actually don’t have any people that I actually want off the show tell you the truth I just know I don’t want the show skipping shit I want it to stretch things out .
Lol AMEN brother, you’re a good man and thanks for the laugh.
Rick Grimes b****
Hmm, why are Josh McDermitt and Michael Cudlitz not getting promoted?
I hope rosita dies. I don’t like her. I don’t like Christian serratos. she was honestly the meanest person at the walker stalker con in boston. she had such an attitude to me and I’m only 15. she doesn’t deserve to be on a good show and get fame like this.