When will Season 4 of The Walking Dead be on Netflix? The answer is we don’t kn—hold on. What’s that? We do know? WELL WHY DIDN—ahem. Apparently The Walking Dead Season 4 will be on Netflix for your streaming pleasure on September 28th! So mark you calendars and get ready to binge watch before Season 5 premieres on AMC October 12th.
We’re having a sale to celebrate*! CLICK HERE!
*Ok, so this is just our Labor Day sale, but don’t you want a free shirt?
Damn it! Why can’t Netflix come over to Australia already?
I feel so bad for you, Why not start a thing like #AustralianNetflix
That’s a good idea! Or I could start a petition on change.org The Netflix team said that they were bringing it to Australia but that was two years ago!
Just use hola to use netflix
I agree with conici, get https://hola.org/ and then you can use it. Just pay Netflix with paypal 😉
I’ve been waiting for this awesome !
At first I thought Walking Dead was a dumb tv show, But when nothing else was on to watch on netflix (bored) I watched the first episode, Now GIVE ME MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your one of us now.
Welcome to the dark side, padawan. 😉
I was the same as you. I was really put off in the opening episode.
However, I found it on Netflix and watched all three seasons in 4 days.
theres no turning back now we have you
Same with me, Got ingured at work . Figured I watch this little show caqlled Walking Dead since I had nothing better to do……Watched every episode back to back within 4 Days….And just watched it again with my girlfriend….Cant wait for this season to hit netflix
can I trust this article it’s not that I don’t believe you but if I do not want to wait until September 28th and then be disappointed because it is not on it and then I will have little time before season 5 starts! so is this article 100 percent sure
This is a VERY good question! I would like to know as well if this is real??
YES!! *Does a happy walker dance*
Oh, and just FYI, if my wig comes in before the weekend, I’ll be doing B&W comic book Rick Grimes for Baltimore Comic Con on Sunday. 😀 Hmm, I do need a hatchet.
I’m working on a Carl for comic con next month!
My outfit is complete. Wig is still not here yet. I’m hoping it will arrive tomorrow. Even if it doesn’t I’ll spray my hair gray to do it! 😀 I’ll find somewhere to post my pictures. Or follow me on Twitter (@CrimsonRevolt). I’ll post pics there.
Wig didn’t arrive in time. It arrived today. It doesn’t fit my big head! *sigh* Oh, well. Here is a pic of my cosplay. More artists knew who I was. Other people only got it when I held up my speech bubble (On one side it read, “We are the walking dead!” on the other it reads, “Carl!”). And yes, I had a chopped off hand bandaged arm! 🙂 (You can just see it in the pic.)
Ugh!, I don’t know why it attached three times. *facepalm*
The same thing has happened to me!
Yay!! I love this. I hope mine turns out as well. My first practice was not that great but I am going to keep playing with it until I get it right damn it!
I discovered it is really hard to do makeup with one eye though!
Seriously, great!
And I know what you mean about people not getting it. I have done several costumes where everyone just gave me weird looks and then I will find that one person who gets it and is like “OH MY GOD, YOU ARE AWESOME.” All I need is that one person to get me. Ha ha.
Here is a better pic of me from an artist who knew exactly who I was and loved it.
Awesome! The stump is a great touch!
Thanks. Thin foam and fabric. Fabric is outlined in marker then wrapped around the foam form. There is handle inside that I made to hold onto it although it is a rather tight fit. 🙂
Viruses suck as well… Torrents = viruses. I guess you are really into the Walking Dead if you go as far as turning your computer into worthless zombie. 🙂
Yes!!! It’s finally happened!
iv’e been watching it for 5 times already xD i was waiting for season 4 to come out before i watch season 5 hahahahahha never get tired of watching it anyways xD…
How shocked i was when I realized rick also played as the cute character in Love Actually. I think I prefer him all scruffy!!!!
Fuck you all that post something here
waiting for season 4 on netflix and Im so not patient person but its Only 4 more days till season 4 hits netflix (ugg hurry up already) and 18 more days till the season 5 of the walking dead starts on TV
Is there a specific time that season 4 will become available on Netflix? I’ve been waiting for this moment for a year now. I’m starting to get ansty.
12:13 am September 28th. …NO WALKING DEAD SEASON 4….. WHYYYYYY???!?!
Damnit, why are there only 3 seasons available here in Sweden!? I want number 4!!! fffffs x(