This week Walking Dead fans FINALLY got their first glimpse at comic-favorite Jesus. But who is the ninja-skilled spiritual doppelgänger? We break it down below:
First introduced in The Walking Dead Issue #91, Paul Monroe AKA Jesus is a serious, highly skilled and fairness-driven man from The Hilltop Community. He’s referred to as Jesus only because of his long hair and bearded appearance (though he’s also a firm believer of the do unto others as you would have them do unto you rule). In the COMIC, he discovers Alexandria at night and the next day ambushes Abraham and Michonne on a supply run. After swiping Michonne’s katana and threatening to kill Abraham, Jesus demands Michonne get their leader.
Rick shows up and forces Jesus to let Abraham go. Jesus explains he comes from a nearby community of over 200 and would like to trade with Alexandria. Rick doesn’t trust him and decides to knock him out, tie him up, and take him back to Alexandria (like in the show). After several meetings with his group, other Alexandrians, and even Carl…Rick allows Jesus to take them to The Hilltop.
The comic and show Jesus are (so far) nearly mirror images of each other albeit 2 MINOR differences: 1) In the comic, Jesus’ REAL name is Paul Monroe…where in the show it’s Paul ROVIA. Jesus actor Tom Payne explains the name change to Entertainment Weekly, “Yeah, I do think that’s going to be brought up by all the fans, and I think that’s probably just to clear up any confusion with Deanna and the Monroe family from Alexandria.”
2) Show Jesus is (so far) more light-hearted than his comic counterpart. Tom Payne tells EW, “They want this lighter character, not that he’s too light. He’s a very serious person actually. He could be talking about something very serious, but there’s also a lighter side to it. Everything is with a kind of sideways glance, but also not too much.” Outside of these two minimal differences the two Jesus’ are nearly identical.
Jesus is currently still alive in the comics, is a major ally to Rick, and plays a major role in the All Out War story arc that features notorious villain Negan. So, what do YOU think of the show’s take on Jesus? Let us know in the comments below!
100% satisfied! Just wish he would’ve dealt more asskicking to Daryl. Cannot WAIT to see more of him!!!
@Bastet there will still be more opportunities for him to knock Rambo..err, Daryl.. on his ass!
Kickboxing >>> crossbow!
And he doesn’t have the crossbow.
He’ll get it back. Daryl without crossbow is like cornflakes without milk.
great episode
I can imagine Abraham saying “Who’s Jesus?”
Lmao YES!
I was waiting for a Heshal Walker joke but it never happened. They should have had the actual Hershal Walker play a zombie, and had it come up on Hershal Green, and some one could have yelled, “Hershal! Walker!” before they killed it and it would have been awesome.
This episode was enjoyable as hell!!
I would have liked some more ass-kicking, but they really did nail the comic counter-part!
Not thrilled with the name change, and I always pictured him as a little bit older looking… but other than that, they totally nailed it!
I always liked Kirkman’s reasoning for including same-named-but-different characters in his comics… Something along the lines of “We probably know two or three different people named Robert/Tom etc. so it’s realistic.”
I think the show audience is bright enough to realize “Hey, same last name but no relation.”
Oh well. Other than that… great job!
Not sure how I feel about this show character yet. Can’t explain it but overall I liked it
I’ve heard of him and bought the action figure. I like what I’ve seen so far. Now, who’s this Ezekiel character I’ve heard about.
Ezekiel is the self-proclaimed ‘king’ of ‘the kingdom’ other community (by now, you know Alexandria safe zone and then, ‘the hilltop’ is going to appear, where Jesus lives) ezekiel and jesus are close friends…
Thanks so much.
@Peaceful you should do yourself a huge favour and read the comics. You’re missing out on sooooo much
I’m thinking about it. All the comments here re comics are peeking my interest. The way you guys talk about Andrea, makes me sorry she died. She sounds a lot more interesting in the comics than her tv character.
If I had to [gulp] pick only one way to get my TWD fix, I’d have to choose the comic & I know I’m not alone!
Try at least the 1st Volume… 1st Volume hooked me!
I’ll try to find it. Thank you.
Oh & anybody can tell you that Andrea is my #1 comic character. She is Bad Ass! Carl is also Bad Ass!
Thanks. I’m so tempted. But since the series is so popular will I be able to find all the comics. I’ve missed so many.
I don’t know if he replied to you or how you have notifications set up, but check out what Mark Jackson says below.
Jesus is cool and Jesus saves. Can’t wait to see more of him.
@Peaceful you can get the collections fairly easy and cheap as opposed to by issue, and you can also get them digitally for cover price or less! Check out comixology or the google play store for issues
Thank you. Walking Dead followers are so COOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Dead Heads rule. That includes you! Looking forward to your reactions, takes, thoughts, & theories!
Will let you know. 🙂
I agree too. Every week I go nuts. I can’t wait for the next week’s episode. The months in between seasons, (this includes mid-season), are hell. However, if for some horrible reason I had to give up one or the other,I know I’d have to give up the show. As excited as I get for it, it still doesn’t top my love of the comics. As far as characters go, some I definitely prefer from the comics and some are way better in the show. Andrea; DEFINITELY better in the comics.
Everyone will meet a stranger with their same last name at least once. I had 4 kids in my grade with my last name and none of us were realted. So disrespectful to change his last name. It will always be MONROE to me. The last name change bothers me so much regardless if they mostly call him Jesus. It was so unnecessary and there was no reason to do it. “To prevent confusion” – Someone could have said something on Talking Dead or included it in dialogue. Only a true dumbass would think Jesus was related to the Monroe’s. Kirkman was being realistic because everyone will eventually meet people with their same last name. Monroe is a common last name. Even still they should still have characters call him Paul like in the comics to remind people Jesus is just a nickname, he doesn’t think he’s Jesus and he’s not based off Jesus. He got the nickname for the same reason any long brown hair bearded man has the nickname. Spencer won’t even be around much longer anyways. Jesus is a bigger character